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Active Vibration Isolator

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AVI-200-M Description The  basic configuration of the AVI 200-M includes two single elements and one control unit and can isolate actively  up to max. load of 400 kg. Higher loads can be easily accommodated by increasing the number of isolation elements. To adapt the AVI 200-M to user specific applications, single elements in different lengths are available to special order.  The isolation of AVI 200-M begins at 1,2 Hz, increasing rapidly to 35 db beyond 10 Hz The lack of any low frequency resonance means much better performance than with common passive air-damped systems The inherent stiffness of the AVI 200-M systems imparts excellent directional + positional stability The outstanding performance of the AVI 200-M includes all six translational and rotational vibration modes   The AVI 200-M single elements do not require any large tools for installation. We strive to offer an easy, user friendly handling concept - to avoid complicated procedures during the installation process. Additional InfoTechnical Specifications: Frequency: 1,2 -  200 HzLoad range: 0  -  400 kg (single element): 200 kg  Dimensions:  600x90x115 mm (L x  W x H )   Isolation: dynamic 1,2 Hz to 200 Hz passive beyond 200 Hz Transmissibility: see attached curve, above 10 Hz transmissibility <0,017  (-35dB) Correction Forces: max. horizontal 4N vertical 8 N Static Compliance: approx. 3,5 ?m/N vertical and 7 ?m/N horizontal Maximum Load: 400 kg (single unit: 200 kg) Size: (single unit) 350 x 90 x 115 mm Weight: 10 kg  - (single unit) Electrical   Safety class: 1 Power Consumption: typically 9 W Input Voltage: 90-125VAC / 200-250VAC +/- 10% , 50 - 60 Hz Overload: 8 LEDs indicate overload in input stages Monitor signal: A multiplexed signal for display on oscilloscope shows vibration levels with and without isolation - for diagnostic purpose only Download attachments: Manual_AVI_200_LP_1.pdf Image Gallery Click to open image! Click to open image! Click to open image!